Tag Archives: work

Updates,New Sh*t and So On….Part One

Im currently laying in bed as I write this..don’t be jealous:) Seeing how March is here,it seems like a great time to catch everybody up to what’s what…and thats what I’m gonna do! The Events/Parties HEAVYWEIGHT SOUL is 3 years … Continue reading

Posted in Arts, DJ Stuff, Graphics and Design, Heavyweight Soul, photography, The All Vinyl In-Store Series, Vinyl Envy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

LSDRadio Work(The Neverending Saga)

One of the things I am involved in is LAKE SHORE DRIVE RADIO..Technically I am a co-host..but I am on sabbatical:)One of my jobs on the show is to come up with promo..that also includes a logo..I have yet to … Continue reading

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Just Because I Can….Part 3

For anybody involved in the Arts,especially music and/or entertainment,maintaining visibilty and relevance is VERY IMPORTANT..you pretty much are only as important or”hot” as your last work/performance/whatever..That means that if people aint calling to book you,you better be creating opportunities for … Continue reading

Posted in DJ Stuff, podcasts, The All Vinyl In-Store Series, Vinyl Envy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Winter Wars…Plus Some Pics…

Good evening!!So Chicago has had a bit of a warming trend…plus the snow has stopped falling..The streets are terrible..cars stuck sideways all over the place…just sucky in general…and I’m scared to think of the craters that are lurking beneath all … Continue reading

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Back At It Again..Part Six(The Primeridian Does NY/CMJ 2009)

Back in October 2009,the Primeridian participated in the CMJ festival/showcase in New York.It was a citywide kind of a thing.We rocked the Shrine in Harlem and Rose’s in Williamsburg…It was definitely a crazy kind of a trip!And fun for the … Continue reading

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Hello 2013!!!(plus pics)

I am not one for new years resolutions.I pretty much stopped all that when I decided that I wouldn’t play the”shoulda-coulda-woulda”game!I don’t remember exactly when that was.It doesn’t matter too much anymore.I remember my past.I don’t live there.I would like … Continue reading

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Back At It Again..Part Three

Just a little something from the archives….Good times…I think it originally ran in the Urban Reader…circa 2006-2007   http://twitter.com/thedjyomamaluv

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Back At It!! Part One…

Wheeeewwwwww!!I do not celebrate Christmas in general.Santa wasn’t very nice to me but I am sure that is because he senses that I have bad intentions towards him and that,generally,I am very naughty!What a wacky couple of weeks:)GOOD MORNING!!!!A couple … Continue reading

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