Tag Archives: travis jackson

The Gil Scott Retrospective On Cable!!!

Initially, I was told that the broadcast of the GSH Retrospective:Passages,Interludes,Subtext N’ Understandin’ ,wouldn’t be aired until November. I was misinformed and I am glad:)For everyone in the Chicago metro area,you should be able2 catch it…. In case you missed … Continue reading

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Wheeeeeeewwwwww(Mini GSH Retrospective recap)

To say that the Gil Scott Heron Retrospective was a success is an understatement…IT WAS HUGE!!!To be a part of something that was community oriented,culturally/socially relevant AND not celebrating ignorance was a great thing. I hear that ALOT of people … Continue reading

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Passages,Interludes,Subtext N Understandin(GSH Retrospective)

This Friday,I have the pleasure of being a part of something quite monumental…a Gil Scott Heron retrospective…This something that was put into motion some months back&we will finally get the chance to share,because as you all know,sharing is caring!!!I have … Continue reading

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