Tag Archives: renegades

FREE TREATS!(Podcast Megapost)

I hope Friday finds you all ALIVE!! I just wanted to give folks a chance to check out these podcasts before we start the next cycle…meaning…GET THEM WHILE YOU CAN!!!Be good everybody…. The DOWN&DIRTY DUSTY SHOW!Late 90’s or early 2000’s … Continue reading

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The RENEGADE BALL(Halloween Jam!)+the MASH UP!!the Mr.Jaytoo Birthday Scorpio Edition(or how to keep your hands warm without putting them in your pants)

FINALLY!!!Halloween is here..I’ve never been the big dress up dude.Not even when I was a shorty.But,since I am actually working tonight,I’m going to get into it….The RENEGADES are coming!!!The fun starts at 9p and its FREE!!!   And THEN…there is … Continue reading

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