Tag Archives: outdoors

The Sunday Nite Double Up….Jan.6.2013

Not only does the Mash Up happen tomorrow,but this Sunday I have 2 events happening.Starting this Sunday,January 6(every 1st Sunday),the LIFT OFF will be happening at Quenchers. Myself&Seano will be the resident Dj’s…BUT…this Sunday,I will be doing a solo set … Continue reading

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The LandShark Returns…Once Again!!!

Here is part 2 of my most recent batch of landsharkin’ photos… And another added benefit(aside from the people watching!:)..all that walking&running up and down stairs is pretty good exercize!!!

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The Last GSH Recap…(with photos)

I just want to start this off by saying that I really enjoy my life. There are plenty of things that I have done wrong and things that I have done right. I wouldn’t change none of it because without … Continue reading

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