Tag Archives: meaty ogre

The All Vinyl In-Store Series Returns to HPRecords Saturday(Or How To Rock The F*%k Out of 24 Hours!)

And a good rockin’ a$$ Friday morning to you all!!!Spring is here and renewal/rebirth is in full swing..personally&globally…. Starting tonight,I will be rocking 3 events in just under 24 hours…Come Sunday,Im sure that I will be BEAT…but,this is the shit … Continue reading

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The All Vinyl In-Store Series Returns to Hyde Park Records….SATURDAY(tomorrow:)

When the opportunity came about for me to curate these All Vinyl In-Store events,one thought that was foremost for me was that I wanted to have some very diverse&interesting lineups…Chicago is extradornarily rich with musical talents of all kinds and … Continue reading

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THUNDERLOVE!!Wednesday,November 28.2012(Or get a scoop before it’s gone!)

Like many great things…the SuperTransfer,Fun Town,Peanut Butter Twixes..THUNDERLOVE!Wednesdays at the Beauty Bar will have it’s final event tomorrow.This doesn’t mean that it couldnt happen at another location,but tomorrow will be the last day for the foreseeable future.So come on down&have … Continue reading

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Hump Days=THUNDERLOVE!!(plus a few pics)

  Normally,this time of the day on Wednesdays,I would be getting myself together for my art class with the youth dem…WHICH I WILL BE DOING SHORTLY.However,with the little extra time I have at my disposal,I decided on a little more … Continue reading

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