Tag Archives: hiphop


Hey hey everybody..just a little reminder….Enjoy your weekend… And don’t forget WORK ON THE SABBATH…Sunday October 9 2016 at the Stony Island Arts Bank…

Posted in Arts, DJ Stuff, Graphics and Design, Heavyweight Soul, Vinyl Envy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Primeridian at Coles Bar Tonite!!!

This is definitely a rare occasion..Myself,Simeon&Race actually together before we hit the venue…its a good thing..comraderie&all that business…We are about2 head on out and have some fun…so if your out there..stop on by…If not..do something sexy to yourselves….Laters

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Livin’ For the City+SOUL POWERED THURSDAY!!!!

Thursday morning finds me working in my draws yet again!!!Life is still a rollercoaster&water is still wet!Im still Black&America is still America….BANANAS!!!My computer is still fried&a nice round ass still excites me:) Be sure and check out “SOUL POWERED” tonight … Continue reading

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The Hawk is Here+The Primeridian at Cafe Lura 2nite!!!!

So the Hawk is finally here!!!Can’t say I’m very excited about it but I was tired of waiting on him.He is a cold sonuvabitch,but that dont NEVER stop him from coming around these parts….NEVER!!!!I aint gonna complain,I’m just gonna deal with … Continue reading

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