Tag Archives: graffiti

Just Because I Can….Part 2….

I have to laugh at myself a little bit…Ridiculous at how long it took me to post these…A few shots from the MEETING OF STYLES(Chicago) 2014..Special thanks to Rhonda G. for the photos…I still got a ton of them…stay tuned…and … Continue reading

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Just Because…I CAN!!!

Greetings and Salutations… I may have been MIA for awhile but best believe a Brother has been humping!!!Always trying to be progressive and keep shit LIVE!!!Stay tuned to this station because things have been plenty interesting and busy…  Looking for … Continue reading

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The Landshark Returns….(or things to do when you can’t sleep)

A few Landshark items…Some from Spring 2014 in Chicago and a couple from    New York in June….couldn’t sleep!

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Something You May Not Know About Me(Jay at the Meeting of Styles)Pt.4

After about 30 years of writing on stuff…I still enjoy it..Of course,as I get older,it occurs to me that I may have to stop.Or at least change directions…If I never caught another tag,painted another piece,I could be kool with that… … Continue reading

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Some Random Flicks On A Tuesday….

Good Afternoon… Im still in the process of cleaning up the photographs from the last ALL VINYL IN-STORE Installment as well as reacquiring the rest of the flicks from the MEETING OF STYLES 2013…But until then…As I promised…a few random … Continue reading

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Something You May Not Know About Me(Jay at the Meeting Of Styles)Pt.3

Jaytoo is not my tag..Never has been..Like  I said before,I have no intention on giving up that intel just yet..When I do..all that would mean is that I have probably picked at least one other name to get up with..I … Continue reading

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Something You May Not Know About Me(Jay At The Meeting Of Style 2013)Pt.2

I started writing because I thought it was cool.No political,social or grander thing was in my head when I decided I was going to start writing on shit…I remember catching a glimpse of “STYLE WARS” along with BEAT STREET&WILD STYLE…I … Continue reading

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Something You May Not Know About Me….(Jay at the Meeting of Styles 2013)pt.1

So here is the deal…I have been doing graffiti for a loooooonnggggg time!!!I was part of the first major wave of writers in Chicago.I was definitely in Elementary school…probably around the 5th-6th grade when I really started venturing out into … Continue reading

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Back At It Again..Part Six(The Primeridian Does NY/CMJ 2009)

Back in October 2009,the Primeridian participated in the CMJ festival/showcase in New York.It was a citywide kind of a thing.We rocked the Shrine in Harlem and Rose’s in Williamsburg…It was definitely a crazy kind of a trip!And fun for the … Continue reading

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The LandShark Returns Once Again!!!(aint no party like a SCORPIO party!)

For all my people out there dealing with this ill ass mega-storm/cyclone…stay strong!!And Rest In Power to the man Reggie Destin.I didn’t know the man very well but our paths crossed often&he was always a solid dude.You will be missed … Continue reading

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