Tag Archives: FEx

Wheeeewwwwww…..(plus complete photo set from the June 2013 All Vinyl In-Store at Hyde Park Records)

I love my life…It can be crazy,chaotic,ridiculous,dynamic,beautiful and so many things all at once…I’m just happy to be living it…I’m enjoying the rollercoaster…

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FEx this Friday at Coup D’Etat Lounge….

Right now,I am listening to a little Flora Purim&Azymuth…a perfect lead in to the demo for this Friday Nite!!!I will be doing a guest deejay set along with Lee Farmer at the FEx Third Friday event with resident DJ.Newlife. Newlife and … Continue reading

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The Mash Up!Recap+New Podcast Episodes….

It is another glorious Monday morning. Glorious for no other reasons than just being what it is!Happy to be here&look forward to kicking some ASS! These are times for big,bold actions and moves, so I woke up feeling real righteous! … Continue reading

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The Now And Here…(The Rest Of The Pics..)

“Out Of The Blue” by the Gap Band is what I’m listening to right now.Smokin!!! So,it’s coming up on 9pm CHICAGO time.It has been a fairly quiet week(so far!)I am looking forward to the POWERSHOW 3.0 on Friday…but before we … Continue reading

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My Sweet Summer Love(She’s Gone Baby,Gone…plus some pics)

Labor Day has come and gone..Summer’s over.For me,it was turbulent and peaceful..but thats pretty much how things go for me.(Somebody just informed me that she’s gone because I was being stingy with the thang:)(LB)….But I do have some photos of … Continue reading

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The FEx Party Recap…(Quality over Quantity pt.2)

So…just this past Saturday Nite(June 4),I got the chance to do a guest spot at Dj.Newlife’s Once a month jam devoted to “world and/or world inspired music” with Jesse De La Pena&Newlife at Sub-T…When he first approached me about about … Continue reading

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