Tag Archives: birthday

The Scorpio Jam Tonight!!!

Come and party with your Mom’s favorite Scorpio and Dj tonight!!! Saving The World From Mediocrity One Day At A Time….

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The ALL VINYL IN-STORE Turns One!!!!Today!!

Currently,I am indulging in one of my favorite pasttimes…which is pretty much doing any and everything in my drawwwwssss:)I am getting myself prepared for The ALL VINYL IN-STORE SERIES…It’s almost mind blowing to think that approximately 1 year has past … Continue reading

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Reasons To Be Cheerful(Happy Birfday2Me!!!!)

So…That time is upon us once again….The Solar Return!!I am happy as hell to be celebrating another year on this planet…I really mean that too…Occasionally,I get beside myself…Being too hard/critical of self(and others)…or actually second guessing myself..wondering if I am … Continue reading

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Give Thanks Pt.1(Birthday Countdown)

It’s a sunny Friday morning in the land and I feel good.My birthday is coming up Sunday and I will be older than 39:)And I am happy as hell to be here!I can say that I as I have gotten … Continue reading

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