Tag Archives: aviation

Well Hello There…

All I can say is that a Brother has been HUMPIN…. Tonight is a HEAVYWEIGHT SOUL Saturday…It’s always plenty of fun and some great sound therapy…stay tuned

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A Perfect Night For Some Soul….The SOUL SHAKE!!!!

Bringing some All Vinyl Sexiness to Hyde Park!!!The SOUL SHAKE…The Promontory After Dark,Hyde Park Records,Mr.Jaytoo&Seano join forces for some delicious vinyl and edible,groovy,jazzy,funk dipped,soulful good times on the SOUTH SIDE!!!The doors open at 9:30pm and it feels like THE PERFECT … Continue reading

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I hope everybody is feeling lovely out there…I am happy to say that the ALL VINYL IN-STORE SERIES returns this Saturday to Hyde Park Records…Music has always been kind of therapy for me..Helps my insides out tremendously!!Joining me this Saturday … Continue reading

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Something You May Not Know About Me(Jay at the Meeting Of Styles)Pt.3

Jaytoo is not my tag..Never has been..Like  I said before,I have no intention on giving up that intel just yet..When I do..all that would mean is that I have probably picked at least one other name to get up with..I … Continue reading

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Something You May Not Know About Me(Jay At The Meeting Of Style 2013)Pt.2

I started writing because I thought it was cool.No political,social or grander thing was in my head when I decided I was going to start writing on shit…I remember catching a glimpse of “STYLE WARS” along with BEAT STREET&WILD STYLE…I … Continue reading

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The HEAVYWEIGHT Returns!!!

A friend of mine asked me the other day what I thought it meant to be a “heavyweight”?I told her that as far as Dj’s are concerned,it takes above average skills,selection,a personal style(not somebody else’s) as well as some flair … Continue reading

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FREE TREATS!(Podcast Megapost)

I hope Friday finds you all ALIVE!! I just wanted to give folks a chance to check out these podcasts before we start the next cycle…meaning…GET THEM WHILE YOU CAN!!!Be good everybody…. The DOWN&DIRTY DUSTY SHOW!Late 90’s or early 2000’s … Continue reading

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Some Footage From The Elastic Jazz Experiments….

I am including the link below.It was a pretty decent evening.I have to say that right when we ended is pretty much when things REALLY seemed to be hitting the pocket&getting in that groove.I haven’t watched the actual video…Im not … Continue reading

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The Saturday Double Up!!The All Vinyl In-Store at HPRecords&The Elastic Jazz Experiments.

  I’m getting my ass in gear,so I will keep it super simple…Stop on by if you want to add some flavor to your weekend….Later ELASTIC.2830 N.Milwaukee Ave.Starts at 9pm.Buy tickets here:https://www.artful.ly/store/events/940 PARKER/ABRAMS/HERNDON + THE PRIMERIDIAN Parker/Abrams/Herndon … Jeff Parker … Continue reading

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Mr.Jaytoo is the guest conductor onboard the FUNKY TRAIN!Tonite!!

Hey Hey Everybody!! Long time,no see…Things have been moving at a steady&crazy kinda pace and a couple of my machines are in the shop…hence…the mini-hiatus…but I am here,loving&living this beautiful life,ya dig???Tonight,I play jams….Get some&enjoy your day!!! Funky Train Tuesday … Continue reading

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