Just Because I Can….Part 3

Rocking at A-1 Records.NYC.April.2015

Rocking at A-1 Records.NYC.April.2015

For anybody involved in the Arts,especially music and/or entertainment,maintaining visibilty and relevance is VERY IMPORTANT..you pretty much are only as important or”hot” as your last work/performance/whatever..That means that if people aint calling to book you,you better be creating opportunities for yourself!!!Although I am not the first person to think of actually DJ in a record store,with the proliferation of digital dj’s in the 2000’s,the actual act of a DJ PLAYING RECORDS has become some kind of niche market..And although some people are aware that I host/program/dj the monthly ALL VINYL IN STORE SERIES at Hyde Park Records(coming up on 3 years!!!)…I didnt just start doing it…I’m pretty sure the first in-store I ever rocked was at Tony’s Sports on 53rd St(Chicago) back in the early 2000’s(big ups to Rico&Vell!!)I also can remember rocking Casa De Soul and the Silver Room around 2008 or so…recently I have been doing all vinyl sets at A-1 Records in NYC(3 since October 2014)..Admittedly I have been slacking in recording all of my live sets recently(a mechanical issue soon to be resolved)…Toshi at A-1 records all the live sets and posts them to A-1’s site..You should be able to smell what I’m cooking here:)Many thanks to all the business people/artists that have allowed me to rock and rocked with me!!!

SESSION 1676: A1 IN STORE 04.03.15

SESSION 1654: A1 IN STORE 01.02.15

SESSION 1631: A1 IN STORE 10.03.14

At some point,these mixes will end up on my podcasts…It aint time yet…

About thedjyomamaluv72

Saving the world from mediocrity one day at a time...
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