The Lowdown On Adventures In Sound…

I feel like the first time I became aware of swank society sometime in the mid to late 2000’s.I wasn’t a big internet radio guy,but I saw some of the people they had in their line up and thought it might be a good fit for I did my intel and set out to make it happen.Some point after this,I run into John Marks.Im not sure if he was one of the founders,but he definite acted in a General Manager kind of way.I gave him a cd.Some time goes by…we rap again.He tells me the cd came up missing.Some more time passes..Christian from swank society hits me up..Im not sure if the cd resurfaced at this point…but Im pretty sure he asked me for a mix…I got him the mix…After that,it turned into a show that eventually landed on a weekly basis mid day on Mondays.I started in 2008.The show ran to either 2010 or 2011…and that cd did mysteriously resurface…bwa ha haaaaaaaaa!


Initially,my idea for ADVENTURES IN SOUND RADIO was to kind of replicate what I do live.The problem with that,is it’s not really live.Getting anywhere close to what I do at a party is pretty rare..In retrospect…listening to some of the earlier shows….they feel a little stiff to me…As time progressed,I kind of figured some things out and modified the vibe…The rest is history…

About thedjyomamaluv72

Saving the world from mediocrity one day at a time...
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