Snow Snow Go Away!!Plus..The Ray Elementary Listening Party Recap… of the good things about all the snow is that it shouldnt be a drought this spring/summer!!

Admittedly,I have been a little tardy as of late delivering my online content…I’m happy to say that it is not because of laziness and/or sloth….A Brother has been a little busy…not an excuse…just what it is….and thats a good thing!!!

So..on March 1st..I organized a listening party for the release(At HYDE PARK RECORDS) of the RAY ELEMENTARY full length album…a project by Mulatto Patriot and Simeon Viltz of The Primeridian….2 things….1/The event came off…The weather was not in full compliance BUT it was a success and 2/It’s a pretty solid album…like really good….

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I am happy to do what I can to advance quality..Cop that album!!!Talk to you soon….NEXT UP….Photo Recaps from the January&March editions of the ALL VINYL IN-STORE Series….

About thedjyomamaluv72

Saving the world from mediocrity one day at a time...
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