The All Vinyl In-Store Series Returns to HPRecords Saturday(Or How To Rock The F*%k Out of 24 Hours!)

And a good rockin’ a$$ Friday morning to you all!!!Spring is here and renewal/rebirth is in full swing..personally&globally….

Starting tonight,I will be rocking 3 events in just under 24 hours…Come Sunday,Im sure that I will be BEAT…but,this is the shit I live for…

But,enough about that…The one I really want to talk about is the All Vinyl In-Store at Hyde Park Records on Saturday,May 25.2013….Since we had a no-show in April,I wound up playing the last 3 hours…Anybody who is very familiar with me probably knows that I can do that standing on my head…So this month I chose just 2 dj’s to play with me so they could really get the chance to spread out….So I’m very excited to welcome Sean Haley and to welcome back ShredOne tomorrow…


So recently,I had a real fucked up convo with a promoter here in Chicago…I played an event(on the South Side) and I guess(according to him)I played a “North Side”style…during the conversation,the words”I don’t know what side of town your from,but we do shit different down here…”actually came out of his mouth.The general tone of the convo was ridiculous to me.My style is my style.I aint gonna apologize or even address that.I actually like the fact that I PLAYED MY SHIT HOW I WANTED TO PLAY MY SHIT.The fact that I made somebody uncomfortable lets me know that Im doing the right thing.I break records everytime I play.Whether it’s 40 years old or brand new.THATS WHAT THE ARTIST DOES..put the public up on  something new.I have been getting paid to dj for more than 20 years now.If I stopped getting paid to dj today,I’d still be playing….Im not in for women,fame or the bread(although i do like all those things!)…I STARTED DEEJAYING because I love music…not all music…good that moves me….Thats what I do.Period. Without art and the artists,this world is doomed..believe that shit…

Now,how about some pics from the April 2013 edition of the All Vinyl In-Store Series feat:Mr.Jaytoo,Meaty Ogre&Dj.Lady D.

Stay true everybody.Be beautiful….

About thedjyomamaluv72

Saving the world from mediocrity one day at a time...
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