You know what I think…?

Of course you don’t so let me tell you…If you are ever in a situation where a significant other,loved one,friend,buddy,whoever the hell…in a situation where one or the other may be venting/explaining about why their finances are not quite so together or whatever…try not to make it into a competition…For example….here’s a sample convo….

Me:I would like to come and see you today BUT my car insurance is lapsed&I got about $10(and no groceries) until I get paid..I dont think I’m going to be going anywhere I can’t walk…

Not me:Well,you could always catch the CTA…

Me:Then that would leave me with maybe $5 till Friday(its a Monday…)+I got a ton of shit to do(to get paid!!)

Not me:Well,you should see all the shit I have to do!!


This is not EXACTLY how the convo went,but I think you get the idea…

We all want some comfort sometimes…I am a man…but I’m human too…we all like a little consideration&reciprocity from time to time….

About thedjyomamaluv72

Saving the world from mediocrity one day at a time...
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