Analog vs. Digital…Does Anybody Really Give a Sh%t?

Ok….even though it’s been discussed ad nauseum…I gotta get mine in!

First of all,I think if you asked the average party-goer if they knew what Serato is,they wouldnt!Most, if not all the people who have problems with the Laptop mixing are undoubtedly Dj’s.The fact is,is that the technology is here to stay.I doubt that its GOING ANYWHERE.So for all my vinyl jocks(which I am)get used to it.I dont believe it devalues what vinyl brings.I think its the Deejays themselves who do this.

Secondly,having Serato dont make you better as a Dj.If anything,it enhances what kind of Dj you were before you had Serato.If you were slow&soft before,you probably are even slower&softer.If you mixed with power&precision before,chances are you are even more so with Serato…Prime example is 331/3,who to me has always mixed with power&precision,is just as nice with it,maybe even nicer with it with Serato.

I hear the argument that Serato allows you to carry around 10,000 songs in a bookbag.I must admit that is an appealling concept.But here is the thing:why in the hell do I NEED 10000 SONGS?Although I spin most of the parties I do by myself,even if I was spinning for 6-7 hours straight,I may play 200 songs.Im here to tell you,that is a HELL OF ALOT of music.It has taken me a lifetime to process all the music that I have heard.Working from a smaller pool serves me well.

As far as carrying records around.Considering 99% of my gigs right now are in and around Chicago,carrying a bag or two of records is a light workout for me.A lot of Dj’s could use the exercize.Seriously.

“What about messing up your records Jay?”Good question.Last record I broke was in my very own home!!!And although my crates run deep,I have never payed more than 75$ for any single record.I have some buddies who routinely pay upwards of 75$ for records.When you hear the records,you understand why!They are rare&overly funky…BUT….I am&always will be a bargain hunter.Not saying that I wouldnt break the bank for the right jams,its rare for me.

I do think that technology(all of it!not just Serato) can make you very lazy and extremely overconfident however.I dont think that your first experience Deejaying should be computer assisted in any way.I think touching the vinyl,the mixer,the needles,the turntables,the album covers,is a rite of passage.I think it makes you appreciate what you do waaaay more.

“But Jay,you do an event called Vinyl Envy(vinyl only)and you actually told a guest Dj that he couldnt use his Serato….”Both of these things are true.I didnt set out or intend to ostracize the Digi-Dj’s.The truth is, the place where I do this event only had tables.They didnt use to(Cdj’s also),but thats how it ended up.At the same time, the Serato thing was really getting big.Seeing as how I have devoted a lifetime to acquiring&playing vinyl..I made the circumstance into my theme.I wanted to be sure that the vinyl&those who play it are treated with the respect that they deserve.And I did send a Dj home.It is called Vinyl Envy for a reason…

I also want folks to know that even though I still shop for&play mostly vinyl,only a FOOL would not digitize their collection.Many of these records simply are not available anymore,and if they are,crazy expensive.Best believe that I am no fool!

Lastly,although I’m checking what the other Jocks are doing,I have enough on my plate.I am way more concerned about my performance to be sweating what any other Dj may be doing,vinyl or digital.I think if you have a solid foundation and grasp of what you are doing,what anybody else is doing becomes inconsequential.I LOVE playing before or after somebody who plays on Serato.Its like bringing a slingshot to a lasergun shootout and winning!I want to make any dj think hard about why they do it in the first place when I play with them because thats the way good dj’s make me feel.

I do want say that I think it’s a shame that more dj’s are not interested in educating there crowds more.I understand not rocking the boat&not turning the crowd off.Unfortunately,the flipside of that is no growth.You wind up playing the same the same 50-100 songs.You play yourself into a corner.Thats not for me.It costs me some money&some name recognition,BUT the respect is worth it.And I have and will play in places that most(analog&digital) dj’s will only fantasize about.

Big up the analog players….Sadar,Terry James,Brian Reaves,Shon Dervis,Darryn,Tone B.Nimble,Marc Davis,the Peabodys and everybody else still digging.

About thedjyomamaluv72

Saving the world from mediocrity one day at a time...
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